I turned on my Netflix, and just cheerfully put the grosgrain ribbon on for the button band and worked on the buttons while I watched Person of Interest. So there, Logan's Oink Stripes Cardigan aka Playful Stripes Cardigan is done.
I first heard about grosgrain ribbon tip from Knitmore Girls Podcast years ago but this is the first time I actually tried it. I kind of love it! This is why it's helpful to be well versed in many different crafts. In sewing knits, you often use a stabilizer (elastic tape) so stabilize the shoulder seams or anywhere that sees a lot of stress. Since knitting yarns are thicker, a ribbon works perfectly.
I made a generous size for Logan so that he can wear this for at least next 6 months. I love how it turned out! But then it's really hard not to love something so small. :)