Handmade Korean hanbok for First Birthday (Dol)


Korean celebration for 1st birthday is a big deal. You invite all your friends, family, coworkers in a banquet hall, prepare Korean food, rice cakes, and you dress up, you dress up the kid in the traditional clothing, and the kid plays a game to predict his future/career. 

We don't have any family members other than a cousin here so we decided to keep it really casual, and do a bbq party at a local park with picnic shelter. We are not great at bbq-ing so we catered from Famous Dave's BBQ, made some decor, and ordered cupcakes from our favorite bakery. 

At the last minute though, I decided that even if he is just half Korean, he deserves a birthday hanbok, the Korean traditional clothing. It was too late to rent it or order it from Korea, and I seem to make his clothes for all his important dates anyway (his 100th day, for example). 

So I picked some 100% linen fabric I had in my stash, to go with our Fox/Navy theme. 


 I used a gold metallic bias tape for the neck binding, and used a gold ribbon for the ties to make it super simple. I added a cuff in black and gold shantung fabric for an accent and more "Asian flair."

Logan really loved his new clothes and walked around the park in them for a while until it got too warm (it was 78 but felt hotter because it was lunch time). 

I can't believe we are here celebrating my baby's first birthday. :)