Other Obsessions: Sweet Georgia SW Merino and Plying Squoosh Fiberarts SW BLS
Sweet Georgia Superwash Merino 100% Superwash Merino Spinning Fibre, 100g, in "Spring Garden"
This week, I am spinning on the 100% Superwash Merino wool that the nice people at Sweet Georgia gave me for my spin-to-knit design project.
Direction: Z, Ratio 14:1.
I divided the roving into two 50-gram bumps lengthwise, and then further divided them into 8 bumps, all lengthwise. I'll be spinning 4 bumps on one bobbin, and then the remaining 4 on the other bobbin, then ply them into 2-ply light fingering sock yarn, for my next sock design.
Squoosh Fiberarts SW BFL single. Spun in Z direction, at 16:1 ratio.
I'm also finished with spinning SW BFL from Squoosh Fiberarts into single. I didn't get any extra bobbins when I ordered my Ladybug from Schacht earlier this year, so I just ordered one extra bobbin from The Woolery during their Black Friday sale. When that arrives, I'll Navajo ply this single! :)
I'm happy that my Ladybug is getting a lot of love these days. Over the summer, I couldn't bring myself to hold the roving for a long time in the 90 degree weather. I've heard that some spinners having a hard time sitting at their spinning wheel for a long time during their pregnancy, but so far I have not had any trouble, fortunately.
I hope I can show you my finished SW BFL next week!